American Anti-Heros

Perhaps  Anvil has inspired the legions of retired rock bands to get busy?  there’s 1000’s of indie rock bands that had the best of intentions – but did  make the right ‘connections‘ – the proof? visit the used ‘indie’ sections at your favorite indie shops.  Here’s a story in development – besides being champion of several fantasy baseball leagues &  hustlin crap on E-Bay – Reuben is busy re-visiting his passion for double dropped D:  When  Zuma – ‘Cortez the Killer’ pandemic swept the 90’s indie-rock underground.  So many bands, so many stories,  so much heart.  I miss that. (but not the sound! ugggh)

AAH This Just In: ” The American Anti-Heroes are now fully into the idea of the reunion show and the excitement is building. Although I have failed in reuniting the full band. James respectful declined to play the show but will be in attendance to see the show in all its glory. I am sadden by the absences of James but as a friend I respect his decision. I still plan to see if I can get him on stage for at least one song but I’ll work on this later. Good news, The American Anti-Heroes (AA-H) will indulge in the first practice session sometime during the second week on June. No dates or venue have been set for the show but the band is working diligently on all aspect to bring you a great show. Web master Neal has brought the new my space page up and an official website is soon to follow. If any one out side the band posses any recording or pictures of AA-H please make those available to the band for copying. I can’t stress enough how I need everyone to forward the hell out of these emails, and if you receive this email as a froward please contact Ruben at waltherjay at astound dot net so I can get your contact info. Thanks to everyone who have offered kind words and support. I’m sure you will never know how much it means to us.  ”  Let’s do Reuben right and ‘tweet’ this on. Rock saves lives, and is way more interesting then Dick Cheney.

American Anti Heros