Confessions Of A Promo Junkie’

The very reason HappyParts came to be – broadband and the so-called leveled playin’ field.  It’s partly true.  You can run a label from anywhere now.  And yes broadband makes it easier.  However – the very people we rely on to listen to music,  and perhaps write about releases – still request plastic, and also tend to listen to music sent by jet set pluggers, and that costs more cash.   We need Obama’s campaign to guide us- “Change we can believe in.”  Another scary reality- media  respond to hired pluggers, more than labels themselves.  It used to be the other way around in the 90’s.  But I was down for minute,  and things changed.

Jennie Warren

Photo: Jennie Warren

Please enjoy this Randall Roberts article – I dig his candor.  Perhaps it will motivate jet set to ‘cool out’ on the plastic.  I did however- request that he pretend HappyParts is based in Los Angeles – that way our releases make those piles, and not be traded for Hawkwind re-issues.  Only selling or ‘trading’ out of town artists – indeed suggests addictive behavior- in rehab, they call it “rationalizing.”  I can’t drink anymore, but smokin’ weed is cool.  Randall – perhaps you can accompany me to a Plastic Anonymous meeting next time I come to LA?  There’s a program for everything.  Godspeed.  Amazin’ article man. Thank you.

Confessions Of A Promo Junkie

Talking Spins Memo

Arcade Fire was number 2 on the billboard 200 album sales chart last week. 30 Seconds to Mars was number 49 on the billboard album sales chart last week. You debut in the top 5 and no pudding. That is so weird. Maybe my critical thinking is flawed? Something like: Lots of people drank water last week. Does that mean we should play water on the radio? I was just thinking that Arcade Fire has that momentum or interest to sustain a new music fan.

Arcade Fire had 14 spins on “Modern/Alternative” Radio this week (media-base) One would think that radio would find a place on the air for record that appears to be “alive with pleasure” (ever see that ad for Newport cigarettes?)

30 Seconds to Mars had 799 spins on “Modern/Alternative” Radio week (media-base) Their album has been on the Billboard 200 for 47 weeks and peaked at #11. I just read that it has sold over 2 million copies. I sit corrected.

Lesson learned for me: It takes 47 weeks to get up to 799 spins. Total sales Vs. pure sales momentum: Circle gets the Square. This is the modern world. No wonder music people never call me back. They are probably at their therapists trying to sort out this thing out too. If anyone needs any support. HappyParts is here for you. Footnote: I have not listened to the Arcade Fire or 30 seconds to Mars. I am not compelled to do so. It’s fun watching others do that.

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